H- Stress, anxiety and self
H- Stress, anxiety and self
Trace Moroney, author of the bestselling My Feelings for toddlers, has started a new series of books about big feelings for little people. Books with well-thought-out wording, well-thought-out illustrations and designs help the child acquire valuable coping skills. We feel stress when we are very worried or upset about something, it is the body's normal reaction to pressure or difficulties. Stress can affect our thinking, behavior and choices. Stress cannot be avoided, but it can be learned to manage. The book describes what stress is and how to recognize it, and offers research-based techniques to help children cope with stressful situations more confidently.
By Trace Moroney
Artist Trace Moroney
Translator Kadri Rahusaar
Number of pages 28
Format 22 × 24 cm
Volume hard cover