Lime essential oil 10ml
Lime essential oil 10ml
- With a very strong antiseptic and antibacterial effect, slows cell aging, lowers blood pressure.
- Relieves anxiety and depression. Reduces fatigue caused by hot weather, among other things.
- Relieves colds, bronchial cough, flu.
- Helps with various skin problems such as acne.
Mixes well with citronella, lavender, rosemary and other citrus fruits.
Areas of use:
100% pure essential oils are suitable for use, for example, in steam water of a sauna, in a diffuser, in house cleaning, in various oil mixtures in body care and in aromatherapy.
NB! Do not use essential oils undiluted. Keep oils out of the reach of children. Do not consume internally. The information on the page about essential oils comes from public sources, and references to properties and effects come only from aromatherapy and folk medicine. The seller is not responsible for the correctness of the information. and therefore the seller cannot be held responsible for the correctness of the information.