My feelings. Loneliness
My feelings. Loneliness
Some situations can make you feel lonely. It's not pleasant, but you should always remember that everyone feels lonely sometimes.
A healthy self-esteem allows a child to cope with feelings of loneliness.
Trace Moroney is an internationally acclaimed author whose books have been published in more than 20 languages. In the books of the "My Feelings" series, bunny characters live and are placed in people's everyday situations. What do we feel when we are happy or lonely, sad or angry, loving or disappointed?
Each book in the "My Feelings" series is carefully designed to help children better understand their feelings and thereby achieve greater independence and freedom. Talking about feelings teaches the child that it is completely normal to feel sad, angry or afraid. If painful feelings are treated as natural, the child is satisfied and happy in his world, confident in his abilities.
By Trace Moroney
Artist Trace Moroney
Translator Kadri Rahusaar
Number of pages 16
Format 20 × 20 cm
Volume hard cover