Mömmisalu stories. Something nice
Mömmisalu stories. Something nice
Mõmmisalu delivers all kinds of creatures: squirrels, deer, weasels, mice, titmice, spiders, ants, frogs and many, many others that are already familiar to a real Mõmmisalu enthusiast. Mommi always has a surprise in store: twenty different things are printed on each pair of pages of this book, making a total of 100 for the entire book! You have to be really sharp to find them all!
The cardboard book for the youngest is based on the large-format books "Metsarahva aasring" (published in Estonian in 2021) and "Old oak's birthday" (published in Estonian in 2023) from the "Mõmmisalu stories" series by Rachel Piercey and Freya Hartas, in which beauty is combined with amazing ingenuity in an attractive form for children - and non-fiction and which is supported by the current idea of nature conservation.
All the books in the Mõmmisalu series have reached Estonian readers through the resourceful mediation of Riina Turi.
By Rachel Piercey
Artist Freya Hartas
Translator Riina Turi
Number of pages 14
Format 17 × 18 cm
Volume cardboard book